Monday, February 28, 2022

Does god exist philosophy essay

Does god exist philosophy essay

This can be translated to mean that if all mortal things have to stop existing then there can't be anything which exists today Medieval Philosophy. Descartes declares to give a proof showing the presence of God from the possibility of a remarkably perfect being. Moreover, it is impossible for a human being to exist without prior reasons for their existence. In addition, if not everything exists, there was a period when there was nothing in the universe. Does god exist philosophy essay that, state your position and support your answer.

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Start off with a clear statement of the inquiry Does God Exist? This is significant as it is sensible to provide a reasonable statement explaining how you intend on addressing the question and which approach regarding the question you incline towards. After that, state your position and support your answer. Do this by providing reasons, relevant information, and arguments. Finally, formulate the strongest potential objection s conveying its strength to refute your position. Start by stating some form of claim or argument regarding what you are analyzing. Begin by utilizing specific words that will quickly convey your intentions to the reader.

Starting a piece involves the reviewing of thoughts and facts, and subsequently, does god exist philosophy essay, connections are linked, and concepts and events are used to support it. Before you start your paper, an outline is useful in arranging your thoughts. An essay outline is made up of the following. Introduction Includes the problem statement and approaches to be taken in the paper. Strongest challenge s to your position IV. Arguments Reasons to show why the strongest challenge does not make your reason incorrect V. In short, it tells your reader what to expect. This is achieved by evaluating and analyzing arguments and finally stating your opinion on the issue. Describing your thesis before you progress with your paper is exigent because your thesis is a guideline all through your writing process.

This means everything you write should somewhat contribute to its defense, does god exist philosophy essay. Begin by first introducing the topic, followed by a hook, and lastly, a solid thesis statement holding the three points you will expound on. and organizes it into paragraphs. Your essay requires a concluding paragraph which is important in giving your essay a sense of completeness. Furthermore, a concluding paragraph alerts your reader about its conclusion. Make relevant comments concerning the paper or reiterate your thesis in other words. One need not expect to see someone greater to identify him as God. Does God Exist? Introduction Philosophers are identified as high thinkers.

The discipline itself highly regards ethics, logic, knowledge, and what thing exists and its essential natures. We know space has no end. For most philosophers, the link to God is the world, does god exist philosophy essay. We can contrast this to the creations of nature like the brain or the human eye. They are sophisticated and cannot be duplicated. Aquinas argues that some things move in the world. Additionally, there must be a first movement to precede the second. The last and most mystifying, most famous, most irritating and outrageous philosophical argument of all time is the Ontological argument Wolff, Philosophers like Kant have vindicated this evidence over the centuries.

On the opposing viewpoint, some philosophers example Thomas Aquinas have rejected it claiming it is invalid and cannot be proven. The subject of God is essential when discussing morality, nature, and ethics to philosophers. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Get Custom Does god exist philosophy essay from:. First of all, don't panic and pay for an online essay writing service. What else you can do is try the hacks presented below and avoid procrastination. Math is the backbone of education, It is a subject that is used to teach most other subjects.

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His belief is that living things and non-living things have lived through eternity with the help of a higher, more powerful presence, such as God. He also says that if it that were true that nothing existed at one time, then it would be impossible for anything to begin to exist again, which means that nothing could exist now, which is obviously false Medieval Philosophy. We see that usual bodies work in the direction of some goal, and do not do so by chance. Order custom essay Philosophy Does God Exist with free plagiarism report. Most natural things lack knowledge. Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural things are directed to their end; and this being we call God.

It is for this reason that Aquinas believes that God was the only thing that existed then, so therefore he must have been the one who created everything. This theory does prove that something had to exist from the beginning. The Causal Principle is the thought that every contingent being has a cause of its being and that it lies at the heart of the argument. Kant always contends that the cosmological argument, in identifying the necessary being relies on the ontological argument, which in turn is suspect. Existence of God According to Kant, survival is not a predicate, a asset that a thing can either have or lack. Existence of God When people declare that God exists they are not saying that there is a God and he possesses the land of existence.

If that were the case, then when people state that God does not exist they would be saying that there is a God and he lacks the property of life. Rather, suggests Kant, to say that something exists is to say that the idea of that thing is exemplified in humanity. Existence, then, is not a substance of an object possessing material goods, life, but of a thought equivalent to something in the world. Existence of God If we then attach that the item exists, then in asserting that it exists we put in nothing to the impression of the thing. The fact that the thing exists, that notion is exemplified in humanity, but does not alter anything about the theory. To assert that the article exists is to say something about the human race, that it contains something that matches that thought; it is not to say anything concerning the thing itself.

If Kant is right in his outlook that life is not an asset of matter, then it is impractical to evaluate a God that exists to a God that does not. Both are the same. Everything was created for a reason and has to be here for a reason. First, Aquinas believes that something created life throughout time in order for things to be living today. He says this thing must have existed from the beginning and that it must still exist now. Second, as Aquinas has previously mentioned it is impossible for anyone to logically believe that things such as rocks, trees, and water can exist without there being a creator. This is why I feel that God was the only thing that existed then, so therefore he must have been the one who created everything.

He also says that if that were true that nothing existed at one time, then it would be impossible for anything to begin to exist again, which means that nothing could exist now, which is obviously false. This means to me that God has been living through time to help create other creatures. Aquinas believed that it takes living presence to help create other living things in order for them to live. People will forever be arguing around their dinner tables about the existence of God. Many take comfort in the belief that there is one Creator who still exists in the universe, a perfect being who watches out for His 'imperfect' children Wippel, Wolter. However, the dispute that God exists because he was the 'First Cause' of everything is too unsophisticated for the refined intelligence to accept Wippel, Wolter.

It may be religiously reassuring to believe in the existence of a higher authority, but there is no indisputable proof to suggest that God was 'the cause' of everything, hence proving His existence. As we approach the new millennium, disbelief prevails and continues to sway extreme Wippel, Wolter. Works Cited Nicholas of Cusa, John F. Wippel, Allan B. Wolter, ed. New York: The Free Press, Aquinas, St. Augustine to St. Thomas "Objections to the Ontological Argument. com Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Dictionary. This essay was written by a fellow student.

You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Everything in the world has its reason for its existence in the world and there are some things in the universe, which you cannot prove its existence, for instance Earth rotating anticlockwise, there must be some supernatural force behind it. Everything that is created is a transcendent in that there must be something that causes it. This argument proclaims that the world is constantly in motion, which seems to be effectively controlled by a supreme being.

It also shows that the world moves from potentiality to actuality, thus showing that there is a prime mover of the universe. According to Thomas Aquinas, another substance whereby he learnt that there is a prime mover of all the substances that exists in the world must move whatever is in motion. Moreover, it is impossible for a human being to exist without prior reasons for their existence. This refers to the theory of creation in the Bible, which states that God created the universe. Considering this theory, it is true that there must have been a supreme being who is responsible for the creation of the universe and all that is in it.

Thomas Aquinas argues that there must be a cause for something to exist, so that it can cause a series of chains for the reason of existence. This results into infinite regress. It means that a first cause must be for something, which itself has to be uncaused by any other force. All living creatures in the world exist because of various reasons. This is because they are contingent. Therefore, it is impossible for them to exist without a supreme being who made them. It is also impossible for them not to exist. In addition, if not everything exists, there was a period when there was nothing in the universe.

Therefore, in the modern world, there must be a supreme being who possess necessary existence and control them who is regarded as God. Moreover, God exists due to the different level of degrees of goodness that exist on earth. Things that are called good exist depending with a certain level of standard of goodness, where the highest level is the maximum. Moreover, things without astuteness are created towards a purpose. For instance, humans who have the highest level of intelligence command things without intelligence. Therefore, there must be a supreme being who orders unintelligent things to move from one end to the other. According to Christian and Judaism believe, God exists because he intervened in the creation of key moments.

For instance, they believe that God exists because he was involved in the exodus and the issuing of the Ten Commandments for the Israelites. This is an empirical argument considering the high number of witnesses involved, and who saw the issued tablets tablet that contained the commandments. Moreover, God exists because of the evidence derived from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In addition, Islam religion notes that a Supreme Being, God, their holy book in this case, Quran. Similarly, the church of Christ, also known as Mormonism, argues that Jesus Christ, God, and angels appeared to Joseph in a certain night urging him to accept Mary, since she had conceived a baby through the powers of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible also has incidences of God himself appearing to people either through a dream or physically. For instance, the angel have appeared to Jacob and they had a confrontation, where they fought until Jacob was renamed Israel. He was later given promises for that, his children will live to rule to the Earth and among his descendants, a king, who would rule over the Earth will emerge.

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