Friday, February 11, 2022

The importance of voting essay

The importance of voting essay

Felons Right to Vote Should Prisoners Have the Right to Vote? Nations the importance of voting essay as India, Israel, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, and the European Union countries are democracies, although Canada and Australia still have some political ties to England. The United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands are prime examples. Election Problems Words 4 Pages 5 Works Cited. Choose your leaders wisely. The Importance of Voting by Hattie Lindell Voting. Two, The entire system would collapse if no one voted.

The Importance of Voting

One, voting the importance of voting essay what a democracy is all about. Two, The entire system would collapse if no one voted. Three, voting is the only way you can be sure that your voice will be heard. And four, voting is simply important in itself. If Americans do not like the system or their politicians, they only have themselves to blame. We, along with the rest of the world, bow to these greedy giants. The state of Massachusetts attempted to stop buying from Burma because of their human rights violations, and the WTO's response was to fine Massachusetts and declare their actions illegal because they were against "free trade.

We don't trust our politicians, and know that they all owe favors to special interest groups for campaign contributions. We don't go to the polls to vote because our choices are pathetic, and we view most politicians as powerless in the face of corporate interest. Klassen feels as if our government is criminal, the majority rule is unfair, the president is a tyrant, and we do not have freedom. This however is a tragedy, since democracy and our freedom to vote is part of what defines our country. middle of paper position of senator by one vote. Also in the presidential election, the importance of voting essay additional voter per precinct in Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey and Texas would have elected Richard M.

Nixon instead of John F. One: Why do we even have politics? Two: Why do some Americans hate politics anyway? Well, the government has been in our business for too long that this presidential election is actually killing time. Although much of what Moore says is exaggerated and one sided, many of his statements are true. Moore blames everything that goes wrong in America on the "stolen" presidential election of Moore says that Bush did not win the election; Americans just gave him the presidency even though he did not receive the most votes. The American public is being tricked into thinking that the Electoral College is a just system to elect our most important office. Because there are many flaws within the Electoral College a change needs to be made.

And that change rests on the shoulders of all of the American people. Works Cited Should the Current Electoral College System be Preserved? Each vote lets candidates who are running know who supports their points of view. Elected candidates will have the power to plan educational policies, health care, highways, jobs, and taxes. However, people in other countries die to be able to cast a vote and make a difference. People living in the importance of voting essay third world nation do not have the right to vote, so it is a privilege to have that right in our country. If you do not vote, technically than you have no right to complain about government decisions and issues. But if it were popular vote than presidential candidates would then have to make sure that all of America was pleased with their campaign instead of a select few.

Secondly instead of winning the entire state, the importance of voting essay, why wouldn 't it be better for the candidates to only win a fraction of the state? Such as breaking up the electoral votes. The winner takes all strategy is no longer working as we can see candidates do not spend time in states such as Idaho or Utah. If they were to break up the vote they would finally be able to say that their voting method provides equal representation. In conclusion, the importance of voting essay, the Electoral College should be abolished because small states are unrepresented, there are many flaws in the system, and it is not accurate based on people 's votes. Overall there seems to be no need for it, it was made for the reason that back then they thought it was a simple way of choosing a president, but really it just causes problems and does not represent the candidates or voters fairly.

If America is truly about equality and democracy, the importance of voting essay, then they will abolish the Electoral College and let the people have a. All Americans are well endowed with the basic freedom of speech yet so many people do not use it. Similar to what George Washington said, Americans are being led silently, the importance of voting essay, to dumbly believe and settle for whatever happens in our government and economy. This year many voters are blaming the lack of adequate choices for president for their choice to not participate in this year 's election. Home Page The Importance of Voting. The Importance of Voting Satisfactory Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. The Importance of Voting If you were to ask me a few years ago why voting was important, the importance of voting essay, I wouldn't really have the proper grasp as to why you should.

A few years ago, what was on television that night was important to me, American politics were only the video clips that my father watched on the news before I was able to take over with MTV and vegetate mindlessly. Politics was a very foreign concept to me; I always saw it as a very complicated issue. Perhaps due to the fact that whenever a child asked an adult, "What is the difference between a Democrat and a Communist? Aside from the past Election ofvoting is really important. Voting gives the population an equal opportunity completely blind of race, sex, the importance of voting essay, origin, etc.

to actually contribute; free from all of the vices our society holds. To go to the voting booth is to say, "I care enough about the welfare of my country to come down here to contribute to the progression of a wonderful capitalist society, America's. You get a hole. The most pathetic and disgusting thing about democracy is the people that abuse it. If you don't vote, then you have no room to moan and groan about the person elected, and can you guess why? Well, for starters, if you don't vote, you really the importance of voting essay deserve to call your self an American citizen. Keep in mind that millions of people not just Americans have died so we can all vote. To not the importance of voting essay is to say that you don't care about the future of this country, and hair appointments are not a good excuse.

Not to mention, if you don't vote, and you complain, you are insulting your sorry-little-self further. You are. Get Access. Good Essays. The Importance of Voting Words 2 Pages. The Importance of Voting. Read More. Satisfactory Essays. What is Politics? Powerful Essays. Young Americans The importance of voting essay Vote! Why Is Politics A Waste Of Time? Election Problems Words 4 Pages 5 Works Cited. Election Problems. Better Essays. Make A Change: Vote Words 3 Pages 4 Works Cited. Make A Change: Vote. Importance Of The Electoral College Words 5 Pages.

Importance Of The Electoral College. Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay Words 3 Pages, the importance of voting essay. Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech Words 2 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech. Related Topics. Democracy Voting Communism.

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A program of the Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life. President, judges, mayors and governors are all voted upon by the general population; and if not, they are decided by elected officials. Personally, I believe that everyone should vote, because everyone has an opinion. However, when less than half the country is voting regularly, we have to ask ourselves: is this really a democracy? Yes, many people will argue, of course it is. We still have elections, and the country is run by the President. It is one of our most precious rights.

Only a fraction of these nations are democracies or constitutional monarchies. A democracy is a nation. headed by leaders who are elected by the people. A constitutional monarchy is a nation that is headed by a queen or king, who may not have much real power, but which has free democratic elections for all citizens. The United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, and the Netherlands are prime examples. Nations such as India, Israel, the Czech Republic, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, and the European Union countries are democracies, although Canada and Australia still have some political ties to England. Nations such as Turkey have some democratic freedoms and some non-democratic restrictions. Many nations are monarchies, in which one family controls the government; military dictatorships, in which a non-elected leader and his army control the government by force; or, in the case of China, Communist states, in which only one political party is allowed to have power and representation.

In all of these non-democratic nations, the government controls the press, and there is very little opportunity, or none, for free speech. Citizens are not allowed to publicly express any criticism of their government. The most basic rights that U. citizens take for granted, such as a speedy and fair trial by jury, and freedom of religion, are not recognized in these non-democratic nations. If they have elections at all, they are usually a sham. Only a few candidates are listed on the ballots, and those are for local office. The people do not get to choose their leaders. The United States is not the only democracy in the world, but it has been one of the most successful.

One reason for its success is its system of laws based on the Constitution. Our Constitution allows for the possibility of change in the way we elect our leaders and representatives. But some basic rights are written into the Constitution, and as long as the United States thrives, these rights can never be taken away. One of the basic rights guaranteed by the Constitution is the right to vote. That may not seem like a big deal, but it is a very important right—only if YOU use it. If you do vote, you are a participant. MAKING CHANGES: THE FIRST STEPS Throughout the history of our nation, changes have been made by those who organized, networked, joined forces, and expressed their opinions openly, whether or not they could vote. In many cases, public opposition was stubborn and violent.

The Civil Rights Movement for African-Americans met seemingly unbeatable and vicious opposition. A number of civil-rights activists and leaders, black and white, were murdered. Yet the justice of their causes prevailed. They helped extend Constitutional rights and protection to those who had been denied those rights. These battles for justice were won by those who cared enough about the possibility of social change to get involved, to speak up, and even risk their lives. Voting is one way that all U. citizens, ages 18 to , can speak up. Registering to vote is the first step in an exciting adventure. What do you care about? Legislative funding and support for schools for the deaf? How the candidates feel about mainstreaming?

Literacy classes for deaf adults? Getting more Deaf candidates into office? Getting more sign-language interpreters at public events? More police departments learning how to communicate with Deaf people? What Deaf people can do for the environment? If you don't vote, then you have no room to moan and groan about the person elected, and can you guess why? Well, for starters, if you don't vote, you really don't deserve to call your self an American citizen. Keep in mind that millions of people not just Americans have died so we can all vote. To not vote is to say that you don't care about the future of this country, and hair appointments are not a good excuse. Not to mention, if you don't vote, and you complain, you are insulting your sorry-little-self further.

You are. Get Access. Good Essays. The Importance of Voting Words 2 Pages. The Importance of Voting. Read More. Satisfactory Essays. What is Politics? Powerful Essays. Young Americans Must Vote! Why Is Politics A Waste Of Time? Election Problems Words 4 Pages 5 Works Cited. Election Problems. Better Essays. Make A Change: Vote Words 3 Pages 4 Works Cited. Make A Change: Vote. Importance Of The Electoral College Words 5 Pages. Importance Of The Electoral College. Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay Words 3 Pages.

Electoral College Should Be Abolished Essay. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech Words 2 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech. Related Topics.

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