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Argumentative essay on stem cell research

Argumentative essay on stem cell research

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Arguments Why Embryonic Stem Cell Research Should Not Be Permitted

Argumentative essay stem cells Stem cell research is a debatable topic for many modern scientists because it raises ethical and moral questions and dilemmas within the scientific community. Medical science has made a great step toward the new approaches in medicine and innovative solutions for terminal illnesses. despite harsh criticism of the wide stem cell usage, the main advantage of stem-cell research is that doctors will be able to target the initial causes of a disease rather than simply treat a disease condition; the advantages of the research for healthcare professionals are to cure millions of patients around the world. There are different philosophical theories accompanying stem cell studies, which aim to interpret and define the objects of embryonic material used in the research.

These definitions would help researchers and the state to come to agreement and clearly understand benefits and threats of this research. The author also explains that the main advantages are that stem-cell material holds medical benefits which could improve human health. These include treatments for cancer, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, etc. Opposition to embryo research and use became vehement in when the prospect of stem-cell study appeared. It can develop into all the cells and tissues of the human body and divide many times. Opponents state that lives might be saved and suffering avoided if the research could be allowed to proceed with federal support. Unethical behavior and maltreatment are the main arguments against stem-cell research.

Ethical and moral arguments put limits on the scientific developments and, often, adversely affect science. Scientists believe that stem-cell studies might be carried out in ways that would not require the use and destruction of embryos; the use of adult stem cells, for instance, could be an alternative to stem cells. A theoretical way is open to the use of those cells not only for embryogenesis research and gene research, but for important therapeutic purposes. When analyzing stem cell research, one has to note that there are many different research strategies currently available. The conventional model of treatment, even if rarely articulated in any precise way, is to undertake every effort possible to save life. The use of these cells for medical research presents an ethical double-edged sword in that the potential value to human life is countered by philosophical questions about the destruction of human life.

Any proposed solution to this controversy is surely to conflict with the strongly held moral and religious convictions of one group or another. The fundamental issue of the beginning of human life appears to have created an unwarranted tension between science and religion when it comes to embryonic research. The argumentative essay on stem cell research benefit of stem cells is the ability to replace diseased or damaged cells in virtually every tissue of the body. There is the ethical dilemma of using in vitro fertilization IVF along with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis PGD and human leukocyte antigen HLA typing to create a human life that can be a perfect organ and tissue donor to an ill sibling.

The strengths and weaknesses of this issue are discussed and evaluated in the following sections. The process of stem cells is such that many embryos are created and then tested to determine if an embryo has a specific genetic disorder. This process is legal in the United States, although in some parts of the world this practice is banned; it is strictly regulated in many countries as well. As technology has advanced, the uses of this process have changed, argumentative essay on stem cell research. Not only are parents able to test for specific diseases, but with the HLA typing they are able to create an embryo that will be an identical match to an older sibling who is afflicted with a life threatening disease.

The new embryo is designed to be able to donate cord blood and bone marrow. Individuals arguing FOR creating savior siblings state that stem cell research is a safe and effective way to ensure that an embryo will not have any genetic disorders; they add that HLA tissue typing ensures that the savior sibling will be a genetic match to the existing ill child. Supporters argue that the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the risks to the mother, the embryo, and the existing child. Creating embryos just to be destroyed would be ethical, but if the embryo that can be specifically created could save the life of an existing child then the net worth of the destroyed embryos is much less than the benefits of creating a savior sibling.

The physical pain experienced by a savoir sibling is little to none, because the cells that are harvested come from the placenta and the umbilical cord. There are several issues that must be evaluated to better understand the matter of stem cell research controversy. The value of a human life is at stake. A sick patient will die without a donor and if all other resources are exhausted, argumentative essay on stem cell research, then it seems that, for the greater good, argumentative essay on stem cell research, another life should be created to help save an existing life.

Respect for human life would be valued on this side. Respect for the life that already exists and respect for the life that will be created. Stem cell study will safe lives of patients with the help of genetic reprogramming. There are some arguments against saving the life of an individual. What limits should be placed on performing such type of gene research? The way in which science moves forward regarding how the researchers choose to save the life of a person is the only key question that remains. February 19, argumentative essay on stem cell research, buy essays, argumentative essay topics, argumentative sociology, argumentative essay psychology, buy argumentative essays, buy own essays, buy essay online, plagiarism free essays, how to copy and paste without plagiarism, argumentative essay examples OwnEssays.

Argumentative Essay Example: Stem Cell Argumentative essay on stem cell research Argumentative essay stem cells Argumentative essay stem cells Stem cell research is a debatable topic for many modern scientists because it raises ethical and moral questions and dilemmas within the scientific community. Argumentative essay thesis statement: despite harsh criticism of the wide stem cell usage, the main advantage of stem-cell research is that doctors will be able to target the initial causes of a disease rather than simply treat a disease condition; the advantages of the research for healthcare professionals are to cure millions of patients around the world.

Argumentative essay examples Arguments FOR stem cell research There are different philosophical theories accompanying stem cell studies, which aim to interpret and define the objects of embryonic material used in the research. Argumentative essay samples Arguments AGAINST stem cell research Opposition to embryo research and use became vehement in when the prospect of stem-cell study appeared. Buy argumentative essay Ethical and moral dilemma Ethical and moral arguments put limits on the scientific developments and, often, adversely affect science, argumentative essay on stem cell research. Argumentative essay examples Advantages of using stem cells The main benefit of stem cells is the ability to replace diseased or damaged cells in virtually every tissue of the body, argumentative essay on stem cell research.

Argumentative essay stem cells The process of stem cells is such that many embryos are created and then tested to determine if an embryo has a specific genetic disorder. Arguments FOR stem cells Individuals arguing FOR creating savior siblings state that stem cell research is a safe and effective way to ensure that an embryo will not have any genetic disorders; they add that HLA tissue typing ensures that the savior sibling will be a genetic match to the existing ill child. Argumentative essay stem cells conclusion There are several issues that must be evaluated to better understand the matter of stem cell research controversy. Close 1 Paper Details 2 Price Calculation 3 Personal Info argumentative essay on stem cell research Checkout. Academic level.

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However, all the arguments of opponents of the stem cells research are irrelevant to the huge potential and benefits the research can bring to the mankind. The research in this field provides scientists with valuable scientific information that can be used in the medicine as well as other fields. At the same time, the stem cells research definitely contributes to the progress of medicine and genetics. In such a context, opposing to the stem cells research is similar to opposing to the research of the outer space and solar system in the Middle Ages. What is meant here is the fact that it is impossible to stop the progress. Moreover, attempts to stop the progress, including the ban of the stem cells research, can be harmful because, in such a way, the progress of the modern medicine and genetics will be postponed.

Therefore, instead of the better understanding of the subject and its essence and using its full potential, scientists will view the stem cells research as a taboo. At this point, it is possible to refer to numerous benefits the stem cells research can bring to the science, medicine and mankind at large. In fact, the stem cells research can contribute to the efficient treatment of terminally ill patients Duin, For instance, today, health care professionals can save lives of patients who would have died without findings made in the result of the stem cells research. In addition, the stem cells research open larger opportunities for transplantation that will save lives of many patients and help them to return to the normal life.

Thus, any attempts to ban the stem cells research lead to the retardation of the development of medicine. In contrast, the in-depth research of stem cells will lead to the better understanding of the subject that will help to overcome ethically arguable issues since the better scientists know the subject of the research the less is the risk of unethical behavior of researchers. References: Benoff, M. Mastering the physician integration challenge. Healthcare Financial Managemen t. Duin, J. Argumentative Essay: Stem Cells Research The modern science has achieved tremendous successes in different fields. Academic level High School College Undergraduate Master Ph. The very argument of humaneness concerns the fact that some people believe embryos are non-life while staying inside the uterus.

In fact, they are considered a potential material for the future or existing life. Moreover, this argument demonstrates that a blastocyst, which develops into an embryo, is nothing but a human cells group. Therefore, these cells are a person no more than, for instance, a muscle cell. Fourth, the scientists believe that the human stem cell investigation is effective due to the fact that if an embryo is killed, it is much better to use it for the possible improvements than to waste it. As abortions are legitimate in many countries, the aborted embryos can be used for the investigation and not be just disposed of Kelly, , p. These facts demonstrate that human stem cells can either improve the quality of life or even save people.

The stem cell investigation promises a new and effective treatment; however, their utilization has been seriously debated. In fact, it means that embryos are to be protected against any abuse just as all people are. These opponents consider that life begins at the moment of conception; a separate organism starts to exist and develops into a human being. Therefore, the abortion of an embryo is equal to the homicide. It is an example of theological argument Kelly, , p. These activists renounce the argument that, since abortion is already legitimate, and females do perform it, the stem cells from the aborted fetuses can be utilized as otherwise, they are simply disposed. Therefore, the use of the human stem cells creates specific ethical and moral dilemma.

The utilization of human stem cell makes people select between the two moral grounds. In terms of the human stem cell utilization, it is impossible to esteem both theories. In order to receive embryonic stem cells, the life of a fetus is taken away; consequently, the life of a possible human being is destroyed Kelly, , p. On the other hand, according to the first theory, the embryonic stem cell investigation can help in designing innovative medical therapies, which can alleviate the suffering of numerous human beings. Therefore, it is important to choose, which moral ground should prevail.

It is possible to provide an answer after deep investigation of the nature of an embryo Kelly, , p. Consequently, it is important to understand whether it has the actual status of a person or not. Thirdly, many opponents of the human stem cell investigation assert that this practice is inappropriate due to the fact that their belief or religion forbids it Kelly, , p. Therefore, the opponents consider that such utilization of embryos cannot be permitted under any condition. The process of destroying an embryo is equal to a murder due to the fact that it is a future human being. This example is a slippery slope Kelly, , p. Moreover, the process of the human stem cell investigation ultimately results in the destruction of the utilized embryo via the extraction of stem cells.

In fact, it means that the human stem cell investigation is similar to a homicide Kelly, , p. Client says about us Betty F. This service made a great job with my coursework chapter so I managed to pass my paper in time. Totaly appreciate your service. One of the best writers I've seen, moreover helpme. org is the best online writing service on the internet. Highly recommended. I would like to express my appreciation for the amazing job you did for me. I am sure I'll get a good grade for this essay. How could it not? Thanks for your help. I can highly recommend HelpMe. org to everyone. They provided an excellent paper, free of error, and ahead of a deadline. I believe that the human stem cells should be utilized and investigated. As a matter of fact, the arguments provided by the proponents of the human stem cell investigation are scientific and more reliable.

On the other hand, the opponents of this issue support their views and arguments with moral, ethics, and religion. I do not believe that it is ethical to deprive a person of the possibility to have a better life and cure all diseases, from which he or she suffers. Moreover, it is illogical to allow religion to intervene into science; the experience of the Dark Ages and Renaissance clearly proves this assumption. As a matter of fact, numerous actions performed in science and healthcare are unethical and immoral. I believe that it is immoral and unethical to use animals for the medical investigation; however, it is allowed somehow.

The religion does not believe that animals have a soul, but it is neither proved that an embryo has one. Both animals and embryos are living creatures, but the attitude and treatment of the two are different. As a matter of fact, many people believe that stem cells can be obtained only from the embryos; however, it is incorrect. The majority of opponents of the human stem cell utilization bases the arguments on the immorality of the embryo stem cell usage. In fact, they do not know the whole truth about these cells.

Moreover, the abortion is legal and allowed, and a lot of females have abortions; therefore, it is absolutely unethical and immoral to allow embryo stems cells to go to waste if they can help someone to survive. Many people live in the hope of that the life will provide them with another chance, and doctors will be able to cure their problems.

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