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Essay culture shock

Essay culture shock

Today, Сhinese grand strategy is to protect its sovereignty, essay culture shock, the need to take advantage from their geographical position and economic capabilities. As we face to a culture that we cannot related essay culture shock, it become very challenging. So, what can help you to fight it? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper.

Effects Of Culture Shock

Higher studies degree from a foreign country will increase carrier opportunities for the student across the world. The major reasons Indian students migrating to abroad. There are numerous individual profits of examining abroad, and approaches to develop both professionally and generally. A part from this, better job prospects are another major reason behind this trend of studying abroad. a Personal growth Firstly, studying in abroad is a challenging adventure, academically and personally. Fourthly, based on what I learned in the chapter, would I be more or less interested in getting a foreign assignment some day? After reviewing the case study on China Myths, China Facts, I have concluded that the presentation has not challenged my assumption about China or the Chinese people.

My initial view of the Chinese people was based on the collectivist control the government has on the people, essay culture shock, that focus on the group more that the individual. This coincides with a truth that decisions are often made in groups and the philosophy is that people act in the interest of the group and not necessarily of themselves Kreitner, essay culture shock, Kinicki, Something is okay to say or ask essay culture shock one essay culture shock might not okay to say or ask in American culture, essay culture shock. We international students might need extra attention on things like class choosing, financial aid and place to go at breaks. Before hearing my opinion on solving the problem, essay culture shock, I would like to show my vision of a good orientation.

I think a good orientation need to be detailed on places especially in small campuses but essay culture shock just stop at giving tours; it could be better than just walking around campus, sitting down listening lectures and asking for directions half of the time; it will be both sacred with the college tradition and fun with music, food essay culture shock a lot of laugh; the event need to be same in general but have different options; International students should get something more than the general orientation…… Here is a short list of schools I found has good orientations to borrow the idea from. Immersing in a New Culture When you study abroad you will get the chance to see new traditions, try new foods, customs, and social atmospheres.

You will have the opportunity to see a way of life that is different from your own and you will find a new appreciation and understanding of other peoples. Learning Languages Studying abroad will give you the chance to learn and study a new language. While searching for Birchbox, I found tons of other beauty boxes. Some of the more popular ones are Glossybox and Glamabox. Both beauty boxes are already established essay culture shock China unlike Birchbox. Such competition can pose a threat to Birchbox if they do not innovate anything new to…. Spread of the cultural ideas and principles has historically, been the main ingredient. However, when China has firstly faced powerful outsiders it had to adopt to the new realities.

Today, Сhinese grand strategy is to protect its sovereignty, the need to take advantage from their geographical position and economic essay culture shock. There are two opposing opinions in the discussion of the Chinese grand strategy. There are academics who believe that the grand strategy of China will aggressively intersect with the American grand strategy, which will cause security problems and there are academics who believe in the peaceful rise of China. Activities in the space are designed for pedestrians, but allow traffic to travel through Department of Essay culture shock. Traffic going through the area should not impede the events happening in the space Department of Transport.

Even during the design process residents should be involved in the creation of the street Department of Transport. Another design principle in most shared streets is the…. Essay culture shock higher education has become one of the biggest concerns for the upcoming generations of college students interested in seeking a higher level of education. Nowadays, students are forced to opt for financial aid and loans to essay culture shock their higher education. Indeed, financial aid has become a primary factor when considering whether students should pursue a higher education. Higher education is crucial to the country economic prosperity. The education level is correlated with higher annual wages, which is also important not only to improve the individual 's quality of life in the future but to also enhance our society 's economy.

These students are reported to have a broader range of learning gains such as tolerance, appreciation of another culture, and language issues, than other students. Many students, who wish to be fluent in a language, travel abroad to certain countries that speak the language they wish to pursue. Being immersed in a culture, with a different language, is a great way to understand where the language comes from and to practice speaking it. The world is becoming global, and one big impact in becoming global is culture, especially different languages, essay culture shock. People now have the ambition to learn other languages, and one example is English, which is globally famous in learning, from elementary until college, essay culture shock.

However, high school is the best time to learn it, essay culture shock, not essay culture shock old or not too young. High schoolers should learn more than two years of foreign languages, because people can communicate and understand the culture of many other foreign countries, many colleges now expect a second language, and many future jobs have a…. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Essay On Culture Shock. Essay On Culture Shock Words 8 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More, essay culture shock. Related Documents Disadvantages Of Study Abroad Higher studies degree from a foreign country will increase carrier opportunities for the student across the world.

Read More. Words: - Pages: China Myths Case Study Fourthly, based on what I learned in the chapter, would I be more or less interested in getting a foreign assignment some day? Words: - Pages: 4. Freshman Orientation Case Study Something is okay to say or ask in one culture might not okay to say or ask in American culture, essay culture shock. Words: essay culture shock Pages: 5. Pros And Cons Of Going Back To School 3. Words: - Pages: 6. Swot Analysis Of Birchbox While searching for Birchbox, I found tons of other beauty boxes. Elements Of Grand Strategy Spread of the cultural ideas and principles has historically, been the main ingredient. Shared Street Research Paper Activities in the space are designed for pedestrians, but allow traffic to travel through Department essay culture shock Transport, essay culture shock.

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I wanted to come back home and these were unbearable feelings as it was impossible and I had to study. I had no desire to study; also I did not admire the architecture and places of interests, which took my breath before. At this phase, I learnt to understand American humour and developed my own. I was interested in American language, customs and cultures in order to struggle with my depression and stress. I liked everything about America; however, I found a lot of interesting things for myself. At this phase, I began to plan, analyze my achievements and faults. I did not see life in America anymore as something different and my admiration and impressions by the lifestyle of American people turned into everyday routine.

At first, I thought that my depression would never end. I could not even believe that my sufferings were now gone. I was really exhausted after the changes and struggling with my unstable emotional state. Without doubt, I felt as I was just born, fresh and full of energy. It meant that I returned to my usual way of life and adapted to the new country. However, I was on the way to the happy and full value life in America and I began to recover from such unusual disease about which I did not know at that time as culture shock. I accepted differences adequately and tolerantly. I knew that I could not change my surroundings and that is why I overcame all difficulties.

When it comes to culture shock, one should remember that to avoid this emotional state is impossible. The main thing is to try to be busy with any affair and never stay lonely. It is necessary to understand that culture shock is inevitable state, which demands time and adaptation. From my point of view, one should believe that everything will pass and be optimistic in spite of bad mood and sad times. I also came to the conclusion that it is easier to endure culture shock when you are confident in your language skills. Knowledge of language makes the way of integration simpler and ruins some barriers and obstacles. In order to better the emotional state, one should release all feelings: to laugh, cry and communicate. It is easy for me to describe my culture shock in America now, but it was difficult to experience it.

My English was not perfect and that is why I did not understand American slang. If I knew it before coming to the USA, I would avoid those misuderstandings. I also had bad experience with food, because as I was depressed and stressed I ate a lot of fast food without caring that I could gain weight. As you understand, I had also problems with the odd weight. However, soon with the adaption I was able to overcome that problem. From my personal experience, it is necessary to get acquainted with the foreign traditions and respect them as one's own. Hostility and anger will never benefit you.

The main component of culture shock is homesickness. As for me, the hardest moment was when my family came to visit me. I wanted to cry and the strongest desire was to come back home. It was difficult to stand homesickness. In conclusion, I am glad that I am studying in America and in spite that fact that I suffered from culture shock for several months it was a good experience for me. I have learnt to adapt to new culture and new people. Now I feel myself comfortable and protected. Currently, I feel that I am at the right place and I do not feel any more isolated and different. I do not forget my native country and my traditions. I doubted about the quality of my writing. However, the finished paper was well written. Moreover, it contained no mistakes. My tutor takes even the smallest grammatical mistakes very personally.

Thank you! I passed it to the next level with your help! Dear Madam or Sir, Thank you for your competence and high standards. My paper was wonderful! I shall recommend your writing services highly. You are far and above better than other writing services that I have used. Calling someone by their first name is usually a sign of friendliness or acceptance, not a way to making one feel unimportant. Informality also extends in the way people dress and communicate with each other. If we are all social equals, then we can be informal in just about any situation. Part of the excitement of living in a new culture is learning about how it differs from your own culture.

You might compare your values and customs with the new values and customs you observe every day. By learning to understand and navigate the culture of another country, we become more open-minded and accepting individuals. It teaches us to shape our own cultural identity, teaches us about ourselves. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails. This essay is not unique. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Our professional writers can rewrite it and get you a unique paper.

Want us to write one just for you? We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get help with writing. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays The Role of Country in the Impact of Culture Shock Essay. Cultural Shock Reflection: Studying in Canada Essay. Culture Shock Experienced by International Students Essay. Reflection On My Culture Shock In Canada Essay. Culture Shock: Its Stages and My Personal Experience Essay. Culture Shock on Arriving to the United States from United Arab Emirates Essay. Culture Shock: Stages Explained and How to Alleviate It Essay.

What factors cause culture shock will be the next part we should discuss. The definition of culture shock above partly indicates the causes of culture shock. The first time they go to a foreign country, everything is quite brand new and exciting. They have a chance to see new sights and landscapes, enjoys new kinds of cuisines. They are probably appealed by experiencing fresh things. After they settle down with their new life, they have to come back with their work or study, buying things, interact more with native people in foreign country, we can become very tired and they feel it hard to adjust. It seems to be that culture shock originate from unfamiliar things, which include social interaction, values and belief, strange environment and climate, how people make decisions, spend their leisure time.

Culture shock firstly may be activated by different social interaction. Greeting, for example, if an individual has culture of bowing, such as Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese when he or she greets someone in a culture that does not involve bowing, he or she may feel embarrassed. Another example is that, American people frequently hug and kiss because they consider it as a way to express their affection and friendship , whereas in Asian countries, people often stay a distance by nodding or shaking hand for greeting. Facial expressions, body language and verbal language are also elements cause culture shock. Verbal language is a typical example, many undergraduate high school students made up their mind to study in overseas country, when their first come to new country with new culture, their limitation of speaking foreign language make them cannot communicate with local people, so many problems will occur, and they may feel frustrated.

Even they are quite fluent foreign language, sometimes people use slangs that they cannot understand. Culture shock often strengthen by strange environment and climate. Level of noise is one case of strange environment. Many foreigners come to Vietnam to settle down but they feel very shock and cannot sleep when every night their Vietnamese neighbors sing karaoke very loudly and noisy. Strange cuisine is another example, Vietnamese students are get used to with rice and vegetable as a staple and healthy food. But when they choose to study solo in the US, they can feel shocked by the junk food such as hamburger, fried-chicken, fried-tomato, pizza, etc. And American students can be confusion, when they see Vietnamese people process and eat insects, organs of duck, organs of goat, pig blood, which they have never know before.

Temperature-shock can happen to people from country cold climate to tropical climate country. They could get sick because the different temperature. Britain people are get used to with hot bath tub, but when they come to Vietnam, the place with a very hot weather, they cannot deal with cold water shower. Many Vietnamese people think that the beautiful girl is a girl with white skin, whereas Westerners are lacking of vitamin D in their country because there not much sunshine and summer time is quite short in their country. A tan skin in Western countries is consider as healthy, it also an evident that they travel experience a lot. They are very surprise when they see Vietnamese people wear jacker and cover all their face by facemask, sunglasses and wonder whether they do not feel hot.

Values and belief are various in each country, each culture. And it is somehow lead to culture shock. As, we can see dog is pet, and dog is considered as close friends of human in Western countries. When they come to Koreans, they are really shock when they see Korean people have dogmeat in their meal. In Korean people believe dog meat is very nutritious. Westerners are nearly freezing and scared to see the dog are being roasted on the coal oven. In summary, a person can experience confusion, shock and anxiety when they are living in a different culture with different values from their own. Degree of culture shock depends heavily on how distinctive the new culture is from the familiar one. Culture of each country, each region is very various and unique. As we face to a culture that we cannot related to, it become very challenging.

Feelings of anxiety, frustration and confusion can definitely arise. Culture shock affects intercultural communication when it is not recognized and dealt with effectively. International business, for example, this can be frustrating and confusing to someone who is working in internationally.

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